Block Leader Applications 2022-23

Hello Nagano JETs!

We’re excited to announce the opening of the 2022-23 Block Leader application process this Friday, February 18! If you would like to be more involved in JET community events and help share your knowledge for new and returning JETs alike, this is your chance!

What is a Block Leader?

Block Leaders act as community leaders and support for JETs in their areas, with one or two per each of the prefecture’s five blocks: Hokushin East, Hokushin West, Chushin, Toshin and Nanshin. They help organize welcome and goodbye parties, plan NagaYes and Winter Block Meetings, present at Nagano Orientation, work with PAs throughout the year on conferences and community projects, and offer support to fellow JETs.

The position is open to all recontracting JETs moving into their second year or beyond. Block Leader changeover and announcements will occur during the Block Leader Changeover Meeting on Friday, April 15.

How to apply:

Send a one-page (A4, double-spaced) letter to explaining your interest in the position and why you would make a great Block Leader! Successful applicants in Round 1 will receive further details for Round 2.

Be sure to check the Block Leader Essential Dates Calendar to confirm your availability for all meetings and conferences, and see the flyer below for further details about the position and how to apply.

Applications are due by Friday, March 4, 2022.

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